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Subject Guide for Education: Recommended Databases for Education

Recommended Databases for Education

See below for a list of recommended databases for Education and educational research.

These have been divided into:
Key Databases - These are top recommended databases for conducting research into Education topics.
Other recommended databases - These often multi-disciplinary databases can also help with finding Education-based research, particularly for research topics which span multiple research areas.

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Key Databases

Education Source Ultimate is the recommended starting point for your Education research journey. Whilst being the largest Education database, it also maintains a great focus on this research area, ensuring your search stays neatly on track.

It can be the best place to help refine and tweak your search strategy and keywords while still hitting the most comprehensive and focused Education literature.

The British Education Index is a focused database on all aspects of UK Education. While some international literature is included, the majority will focus on literature published in the UK. This can be particularly useful for maintaining a specific focus on your Education research to a specific context.


Both ERIC and the AEI are great database resources for expanding your research internationally and finding relevant literature across multiple educational environments. These database can be particularly useful for refining and expanding both your methodologies and your search vocabulary, by researching how educational topics are talked about and discussed in different countries/continents.

Scopus is great citation tracking database, which is a great folllow-up on your Education research. Use Scopus to analyse research areas and interests, track citations on key articles, and help identify key journals and authors. Scopus can also be used as a final search database for conducting any kind of systematic searches, or just taking a systematic approach to your searching. 
As a broad multi-disciplinary database, this will cover a range of other subjects to complement the Education databases.

Other Recommended Databases

Academic Search Complete is a great broad multi-disciplinary database, which will allow your Education search to span a number of different research areas

JSTOR is another great multi-disciplinary database, covering a broad range of research areas and can help you find relevant literature to a number of Education-related topics

This database can be useful for researching Education topics which are more aligned to the humanities and social sciences areas, particularly arts & culture, and literature

This database can be useful for researching Education topics which are more aligned to the humanities and social sciences areas.

This database can be useful for researching Education topics which are more aligned to the social sciences areas, particularly around politics & policy, and language

This database can be useful for finding literature around Educational research in social sciences and politics, as well as international relations, policy, and economics

As a nursing and health literature database, CINAHL may be useful if researching any health-oriented Educational topics, e.g. physical education impacts, etc.

PsycINFO can be useful when conducting Educational research crosses over with aspects of psychology, such as mental health, psychological or mental effects within the school or education sector, etc.

Web of Science is another Citation Database, like Scopus, which can help further Educational research which extends further into the Social Sciences.

ATLA Religion Database may be useful when researching Religious Education, or for finding literature relating to religious teaching.