Our Teaching Collection contains the resources you'll need when you're preparing for School Placement. It comprises textbooks, class readers, how-to-teach books and non-book resources; find it all on the first floor of the Library. We aim to hold copies of all textbooks series in use in primary classrooms in Ireland today. We keep a close eye on publisher websites and when a new textbook is published, we order copies of it so that we can make them available to you. We hold a number of copies of all textbooks in the Reserve Collection on 3 hour loan - so you should always have access to one if not immediately then in 3 hours' time. The collection also includes class readers for English and Irish.
How-to-teach books may be classified as anything written specifically for teachers. There are also books relevant to the topic of Education in the Main Collection, so it is important to check Library Search for location. Books in the Teaching Collection will be on the 1st floor in Cregan Library and books in the Main Collection can be found on the 2nd and 3rd floor.
Class readers sometimes accompany a text book series - Séideán Sí, Starways etc.
Tara Book Company lists classroom-appropriate novels by class. Cross-check their lists on Library Search, we hold most titles in our Junior Library.
See also:
All of the items in our Teaching Collection have TC preceding the shelf mark on their label - it stands for Teaching Collection. In addition, the shelf mark of every item in our Teaching Collection begins with 372. If you see a book with a shelf mark that begins 372 but has no TC on the label, it belongs in the Main Collection (on the second floor). A shelf mark is simply a subject-based address for an item on the shelf and it ensures that material relating to a subject sits in close proximity on a shelf. Here are the broad shelf marks for the Teaching Collection:
TC 372.19 Curriculum books | TC 372.35 Science | TC 372.357 Biology |
TC 372.37 SPHE | TC 372.412 English | TC 372.52 Art and design |
TC 372.6 Literacy | TC 372.641 2nd language teaching | TC 372.642 Teaching EAL |
TC 372.65 Gaeilge |
TC 372.66 Drama |
TC 372.7 Mathematics |
TC 372.83 Civics (inc. human rights) | TC 372.84 Religion | TC 372.86 Physical education |
TC 372.87 Music | TC 372.89 History | TC 372.891 Geography |
Hello, my name is James Flannery and I am the Subject Librarian for the Institute of Education.
Please get in touch if you have questions about any of the information in this Guide, how to find quality sources for your assignments, or if you have citing and referencing queries.
Email: james.flannery@dcu.ie
Phone: +353 1 700 8746