Punch & Qancea (2014) have observed:
"Design sits between the research questions and the data, showing how the research questions will be connected to the data, and what tool and procedures to use in answering them. Therefore design needs to follow from the questions, and fit in with the data."
Welcome to our exploratory guide to research methodology resources. This guide is aimed at under and post-graduate researchers in the arts, humanities and social sciences (HSS) highlighting appropriate resources in DCU Library and beyond.
The decision as to which methodology to adopt should not delay your research effort. The activities of reading and writing focus your reflections and help crystallise what methods are most appropriate for your research journey. Often a key work serves as a departure point for one's own research and will bring with it a research method for modelling, re-modelling or major adaptive change. Many research methodologies are of this organic type and cannot be easily categorised in a guide such as this. However, the researcher/writer employing them is bound to explicate them in the body of their work.
Remember, discussion with your supervisor is the best way to decide on your research methodology!
Heavy black clouds of dust rising over the Texas Panhandle, Texas, March 1936
Whilst you're here, check out the following online resources:
Some sound advice from Tony Onwuegbuzie will get you thinking about selecting the appropriate research method(s) to answer your research question(s)