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EBSCOhost Databases: Your Search Results

Create an account

Create a personal account to save your search history, create search alerts and journal alerts. To register for an account, select any EBSCO database and click on Sign In option. Complete the online form using your DCU email address and password for authentification.

Using the EBSCOhost Folder

It is recommended that you create an account in EBSCOhost to avail of additional functionality.

Sign up for an account in EBSCO to save searches and set up search and journal alerts.

Your saved searches, search and journal alerts will be stored in your personal (EBSCOhost) folder.

This EBSCOhost video tutorial takes you through the steps involved in.

Refining your results

Having conducted a search, if you retrieve too many results, consider if you can amend your search strategy to make it more specific.

You can revise a search to add additional concepts, by entering additional terms into the search box at the top of the results screen.

Also, while viewing your result list use the Refine Results option (on the left hand pane) to narrow down your results:

Note: Click the toggle arrow to open the search boxes and click on Show More to expand the list (where necessary).

  • Current Search: Current Search keeps track of  your search terms, search options and facets applied to your search.
  • Limit To: Limit To allows you sort results by publication type and date.
  • Facets: You can narrow your scope by source type, subject, author, and more.

Creating a Journal Alert

Create a journal alert to receive email notification when a new issue, of a particular journal, becomes available in an EBSCOhost database.

Journal alerts, as well as, saved searches and search alerts are stored in your personalised (MyEBSCOhost) folder.

Note: The option to set-up journal alerts, search alerts and to save searches is only available when you have an EBSCO account and are signed in.

The tutorial below shows you how to create journal alerts in EBSCOhost databases.

Creating a search alert

Create a search alert to receive updates on new publications based on your search results. Search alerts, as well as, saved searches and journal alerts are stored in your personalised (MyEBSCOhost) folder. Note: The option to set-up search alerts, journal alerts and to save searches is only available when you have an EBSCO account and are signed in.

The tutorial below shows you how to create search alerts in EBSCOhost databases.

Search History

To save searches, run a search and view your search results.

Click the Search History link, then click the Save Searches/Alerts link.

The Save Searches/Alerts Screen appears.

If you have not signed into MyEBSCO, you will be promped to do so.

Enter a Name and Description for the search.

In the Saved Search As field, select one of the following: 

  • Saved Search (Permanent)
  • Saved Search (Temporary 24 hours)
  • Alert - if you have selected Alert, additional fields are available.

To save the search click save, you are returned to the Search History/Alerts screen.