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Scopus: Searching Scopus


In Scopus you can search by Documents, Authors or Affiliations:

  • Document Search is the default page in Scopus. Select from a variety of search fields including article title, abstract, author and keyword.
  • Author Search users search by name or ORCID iD to find the profile of a known author.
  • Affiliation Search users search for an institution's page,  to view its publishing activity and collaborative affiliations.

Document Search - Basic Search

To search for publications on a topic:

  • Select ‘Documents’ search option, to search for publications on a given topic.
  • In ‘Search within’, choose the field you want to search in.
  • Scopus is defaulted to search within Article title, Abstract, Keywords.
  • Click on +add search field, to add more fields.
  • Set date limits with add date range. 
  • Hit Search.

Document Search - Advanced Search

To conduct a complex search using field codes, Boolean and proximity operators.

Example, you are interested in finding articles on pancreatitis in veterinary science:

  • In Scopus, select the 'Advanced' search option.
  • In 'Field Codes', click on 'Textual Content' to expand the list.
  • Select Doc Title Abstract Keyword by clicking on the + symbol.
  • Enter your keyword, for example pancreatitis, within the brackets.
  • Then click out of the bracket to continue the search string.
  • In 'Field Codes', select the AND operator by clicking on the + symbol.
  • Scroll down to the 'Subject Areas' and click on it.
  • Click on 'Health Sciences' to expand the list.
  • Select 'Veterinary Sciences' by clicking on the + symbol.
  • Hit Search.







Author Search

To search for detailed information on an author indexed in Scopus:

  • Select 'Authors’ search option, to search for detailed information on an author.
  • Type last name and first name in the respective search boxes.
  • Include their institution by clicking on + Add affiliation.
  • Hit Search.
  • Note: You also have the option to search by ORCID ID


Organizations Search

To search for detailed information on an institution’s publications indexed in Scopus:

  • Select ‘Organizations’ search option for detailed information on an institution’s publications.
  • Type name of institution in the search field.
  • Select name from the drop-down list.
  • The search will begin automatically.

Note: See the affiliation details of Dublin City University below.