See below for a list of other relevant databases for Mathematical Sciences, including both subject specific and multi-disciplinary databases.
Click for access, then login with your DCU username and password where required.
Consult the A to Z of Library Databases to overview and access all available subscription databases.
Eikon is a financial data product incorporating both Datastream and Thomson One into a single package. Providing access to extensive market information for listed companies, users can obtain current data of exchange-traded instruments (stocks, options, futures, indexes etc). In addition, Eikon provides historic equity data ranging from several months to 20 years. Access is available via username and password to both the web-based version and the desktop application, should you wish to use the Datastream Excel Add-On.
Contact us for access details at
Thomson Reuters has created a series of training videos to take you from the basics of Eikon up to advanced projects. Access these via the Thomson Reuters website.
N.B. So that others can gain access to Eikon, it is imperative that you completely log out once finished your session. See guide here for instructions.
Zentralblatt MATH is the world's most complete and longest running abstracting and reviewing service in pure and applied mathematics. The Zentralblatt MATH database contains more than 2.3 million entries drawn from more than 3,500 journals.
Coverage: 1868 - present