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Subject Guide for Chemical Sciences: Books (Print and Online)

Books (Print and Online)

The Library provides access to thousands of books, both in print and online (eBooks).

Finding Books (print and online)

Use Library Search to search for books when you know the title or author. If you just want to browse by topic, simply enter your topic for example "gas diffusion" in the search box. To narrow your results to just books, use the filter option on the left of the screen. Select 'content type' and check the box for 'books'. Watch this short video to see this in action. 

Where a book is available online (eBook) just follow the link to read the book. Remember, to access our online collections, you must sign in to Library Search with your DCU username and password.

Locating Print Books 

If the book you want is available in print, Library Search will provide the shelf mark number. Chemistry books are all located on the second floor of O'Reilly library. We have shelved all science and engineering books on the second floor and social sciences and humanities books on the first floor.