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Web of Science: Searching Web of Science


In Web of Science there are 5 search types, i.e. Documents, Cited ReferenceAdvanced, Author and Structure Search:

  • Documents Search: this is the default search option in Web of Science. Choose to search in all fields or select from a variety of search fields including topic, title, author, publication titles, etc..
  • Cited Reference Search: this allows you to locate articles that cite another person's work.
  • Advanced Search: this allows you to search using field codes and edit searches that you have performed.
  • Author Search: this allows you to search for an author by name or author identifier.
  • Structure Search: this allows you to search for Compound and Reaction data and requires you to register and sign in to Web of Science.

Document Search

In Web of Science, the default search option is ‘Documents' and the search range is 'All Fields', we recommend selecting 'Topic' for more accurate results and efficient search. Note: A search by Topic will search in the title, abstract and keyword fields.

  • Enter your search term(s) in the search box(es) and ensure 'Topic' is selected in the drop-down menu. 

  • A link to search tips can be found to the right of the search button. To add search lines click on +Add row.

  • Combine search terms using search operators AND and OR. These may be typed in the search boxes or selected from the drop-down menus. 

  • When you have entered all your search terms, click on the Search button.

  • View video below on building searches.

Advanced Search

To conduct an advanced search in Web of Science:

  • Click on 'Advanced Search' from the Documents Search page.
  • Select your first search field , e.g. Author and enter your search term e.g. Shattner William click Add to query.
  • After adding your first term, you can select a Boolean operator from the drop-down menu or,
  • Type one in the Query Preview text box before adding additional terms.
  • Select another field and add more terms e.g. Topic and cardio*  then click add to query again.
  • Note: You can use the field tags in the list and manually type them directly into the query box
  • When you are ready click search, you will be taken to a page of results that you can browse
  • Your search history will be stored  and you can easily modify it
  • Clicking More Options opens exact search, to perform an exact search on a phrase , place the phrase within quotation marks
  • Use field codes to build your query.
  • Note: Ensure you register, and sign in to each session to save searches.

Structure Search

To conduct a chemical structure drawing in Web of Science:

  • Select 'Structure' from the search options given.
  • Draw the structure using the tool that appears when you select this search.
  • Then click 'Search' button to run your query.
  • If you want to search by compound properties and reaction conditions, 
  • Enter search data in the boxes at the bottom of the screen.
  • Select 'Search' button to run your query.
  • You can toggle between compound and reactions results after results display.
  • Note: You will need to register and sign in to your account to perform a structure search.

Author Search

To conduct an author search in Web of Science:

  • Click on the 'Researchers' tab option on the landing page.
  • In the Name Search box, click on the dropdown arrow to expand the options.
  • Select Name Search to search by name, entering the last and first name in fields provided.
  • Alternatively, select Author Identifiers option to search by Web of Science Researcher ID or ORCID.
  • Note: for a comprehensive set of results of an author's work, search by author's name and first initial or initials.



Cited Reference Search

To conduct a cited reference search in Web of Science:

  • Select the 'Cited References' search option.
  • Enter author name in the Cited Author field and
  • Type a journal title or book title in the Cited Work field.
  • Note: You may also search in Cited Year(s), Cited Volume, Cited Issue, Cited Pages, Cited  Title or Cited DOI.
  • Click Search.
  • Review the authors and publications list.
  • Tick the box, if the author and work is located.
  • Click See Results to finish the search.
  • View video below on cited reference searching.