In Web of Science there are 5 search types, i.e. Documents, Cited Reference, Advanced, Author and Structure Search:
In Web of Science, the default search option is ‘Documents' and the search range is 'All Fields', we recommend selecting 'Topic' for more accurate results and efficient search. Note: A search by Topic will search in the title, abstract and keyword fields.
Enter your search term(s) in the search box(es) and ensure 'Topic' is selected in the drop-down menu.
A link to search tips can be found to the right of the search button. To add search lines click on +Add row.
Combine search terms using search operators AND and OR. These may be typed in the search boxes or selected from the drop-down menus.
When you have entered all your search terms, click on the Search button.
View video below on building searches.
To conduct an advanced search in Web of Science:
To conduct a chemical structure drawing in Web of Science:
To conduct an author search in Web of Science:
To conduct a cited reference search in Web of Science: