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Library Guide for Law & Government

A sample of books in the Library for Law & Government

Library Search



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How to find and access ebooks

Browsing the shelves?

Most Law and Government books are located on the first floor of the Glasnevin library.

Use Library Search for online shelf-browsing (Advanced Search with Subject)

Subject Location Number
Political science (general principles) 320
Systems of governments & states 321
Relation of state to organized groups 322
Civil & political rights 323
The political process 324
International migration & colonization 325
Slavery & emancipation 326
Internation relations


The legislative process 328
Law (general principles) 340
Law of nations 341
Constitutional & administrative law 342
Military, tax, trade & industrial law 343
Labour, social, education & cultural law 344
Criminal law 345
Private law 346
Civial procedure & courts 347
Laws, regulations & cases 348
Law of specific jurisdictions & areas 349