No. Full copyright checking means that a member of the Doras team will check publisher copyright policies to make sure that uploaded material is fully compliant with these policies before these items are promoted to the public archive. Publisher copyright policies will always be respected.
Doras is DCU’s institutional repository. It is operated on behalf of the university by the library.
All DCU affiliated staff and postgraduate research students can upload material into Doras. You can upload material on behalf of somebody else, but they must be DCU affiliated. If you have co-authored a paper with colleagues from another institution, these items are suitable for upload.
Uploading is a simple five step process. More details are available here.
For any questions, queries, support please contact either the doras team at
Please treat Doras like any other library database or e-resource. Cite the original, official copy using your preferred citation style. A citation is provided for every publication on the item’s Doras page.
Yes! As long as you are employed by DCU Doras is your repository.
Doras maintains a complete database of all downloads for all items. Automated downloads by “bots” (e.g. Google, Bing) are disregarded to ensure only genuine downloads are recorded. These download statistics are openly available (just like the publications themselves) and more detailed instructions on statistics are available here.