If you can't find a report that has what you want, you'll probably find a lot of sources in news publications instead. Often you'll find business news articles summarising the key findings of a report you otherwise can't access.
However, the quality of online sources sources varies widely, so you need to be especially critical when evaluating whether they're good enough to use in your work or not. A few points you should consider:
Is it up to date? Market research goes out of date very quickly.
Is the source authoritative, e.g. is it from the Financial Times or Daily Mail?
Do they say where they are getting the information from? If the article uses vague language like "research indicates" without saying where the research is from, you should be skeptical.
Is the article balanced, fact-based and critical? If you're Googling for articles, you'll need to be wary a poor quality content from less prestigious newspapers. A lot of these are "churnalism", where they cut and paste press releases from companies promoting their products For example, this article from The Telegraph is essentially a rewritten press release, with no independent analysis or commentary from the newspaper.
The best sources for market research articles for DCU students are Business Source Complete and NexisUK. Here's a short introduction to using Business Source Complete to find market research: