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Libkey Discovery Tools: Libkey Nomad

LibKey provides a collection of services that simplify and accelerate access to scholarly content from both DCU Library and the wider web

What is Libkey Nomad?

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that makes off-campus searching easier. While browsing, you can quickly see which articles are available to you through DCU Library. LibKey Nomad works on a wide range of sites including publisher websites, PubMed, and even Wikipedia to connect you to scholarly resources.

No personal account is needed, and LibKey Nomad does not track users or store your ID after you close your browser.

When you click on a LibKey Nomad link, it will take you to DCU's authenticator. Once you login you will be forwarded to the full-text article.

Once you login, you won't have to do so again until you close your browser session.

Getting started with LibKey Nomad

You can get started with LibKey Nomad in three easy steps:

  1. Install the LibKey Nomad extension and click on "Get LibKey Nomad Now" for your preferred browser
  2. Search for Dublin City University from the list of institutions
  3. Continue your research

Libkey Nomad Buttons Explained

When LibKey Nomad identifies DCU as having access to articles on the website you are browsing, Nomad can direct you to where you can access the material. Nomad will display the following graphic when it has identified accessible material. 


A variety of Libkey Nomad buttons appear when you have Libkey Nomad installed and browse applicable websites. Which button you will see depends on the availability of the article. Examples of which are below. 

DCU Library has access to this item. You can download the PDF full text via this option.

DCU Library has access to this item. You can view the article via this option.

DCU Library has access to this item. You can view the e-book via this option.

A link to the Browzine platform where you can view the full journal issue in which the article is published, allowing you to find additional, relevant articles.


An Open Access version of the article is available. May not be the final, published version of the article.